Why does Taylor Swift lie about her real estate holdings all the time?


Some people believe Taylor Swift can do no wrong, that everything that comes out of her ruby red lips is nothing but the angel-kissed truth, and that Swifty’s flawless honesty dances around with butterflies and kittens. I am not one of those people. In fact, it’s always bothered me on those rare occasions when Taylor is publicly caught up in a lie, because on those rare occasions, the lies serve no purpose. Earlier this week, Taylor tweeted this:

What the press says I'm doing: Buying a Bev Hills mansion, getting married in an English castle What I'm doing: Playing a show in St. Louis

— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) September 29, 2015

Just one of Taylor’s hits on the “tabloids” for making up stories about her, nevermind the fact that she and her friends call up the tabloids to spread certain agendas, or was the whole Jake Gyllenhaal drama just a fantasy concocted by Us Weekly? So, Taylor wants everyone to know that while SOME PEOPLE are spreading terrible real-estate-buying rumors and wedding rumors about her, she’s just getting on with her business. Except the mansion story is true.

Taylor Swift scoffed at reports she didn’t buy the legendary, $25 million, Samuel L. Goldwyn estate in Bev Hills, but we checked the tax records and the paper trail leads right to her doorstep!

Taylor went on social media Tuesday to shoot down stories she bought the late movie mogul’s estate. She said, “What the press says I’m doing: Buying a Bev Hills mansion, getting married in an English castle. What I’m doing: Playing a show in St. Louis.”

So we checked the property records. We found out today, Thursday, October 1, 2015, title to the estate changed hands from the seller to a company that’s headquartered in Nashville. The address of the business goes right back to Taylor’s Nashville address.

[From TMZ]

Why lie about it when no one really cared? Why go on Twitter to mock the reports of the real estate purchase when you were really making a real estate purchase?

A little piece of gossip history: Taylor covered the April 2013 issue of Vanity Fair, which was pretty much Peak Crazy Swifty. She had just come off a year where she dated a guy who was still in high school (Conor Kennedy), then had on-and-off drama with Harry Styles, which really seemed like it ended badly when he broke up with her and she stalked him for a few months. Remember all of that? I was reminiscing as I glanced through this 2013 interview, which was full of “unnamed sources” slamming Styles all over the place. But I bring it up because once again, Taylor LIED TO A REPORTER about a real estate purchase.

In response to the rumors that Swift was looking to buy a house next to the home of her then boyfriend Conor Kennedy’s family in Hyannis Port, Swift tells Sales, “People say that about me, that I apparently buy houses near every boy I like—that’s a thing that I apparently do. If I like you I will apparently buy up the real-estate market just to freak you out so you leave me.” Swift continues, “One of these things I say to myself to calm myself down when I feel like it’s all too much. . . If there’s a pregnancy rumor, people will find out it’s not true when you wind up not being pregnant, like nine months from now, and if there’s a house rumor, they’ll find out it’s not true when you are actively not ever spotted at that house.”

But Sales reports that Swift actually did purchase the house. According to someone close to the situation, she had been viewing the property with her parents for over a year under the recommendation of Rory Kennedy. In November 2012, the Cape Cod Timesreported the house had been sold to Ocean Drive LLC for $4.8 million. The company’s filing papers name a certain “Jesse P. Schaudies” of 13management—Taylor Swift’s management company. Schaudies did not return calls made to 13management’s offices, but according to the source, the Hyannis Port house was recently resold. “It was like a house-flip,” the source says. “A good short-term investment.”

[From Vanity Fair]

Why does Taylor Swift lie about her real estate? Don’t say it’s because she has crazy stalkers or whatever – clearly, the best way to handle public interest in her real estate holdings would be to simply never confirm or deny any real estate purchases either way. Another great idea? Don’t real estate stalk your current or former boyfriends. To be fair, I don’t think she is currently real-estate stalking anyone with the Beverly Hills home purchase. But it does make you think twice about all of the stories about Taylor buying a Scottish castle to be closer to Calvin Harris, right?


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
