Michelle Duggars love tips include never turning your husband down for sex

Jim Bob And Michelle Duggar At The CPAC 2012
It’s Valentine’s Day and the most famous of the most prolific families, The Duggars, have some advice for keeping your marriage hot. It involves the wife never saying no to sex with some very specific exceptions, the husband treating his wife like a queen, and keeping expectations low, among other things. Most of all it’s about the sex, though. This article is accompanied by photos of the Duggars when they first started dating. They were super cute as young kids, and Michelle’s hair was especially glorious before she started shellacking her curls. Here are the Duggar’s tips:

1. Say yes to sex, even when you’re tired. Michelle says a friend gave her advice to live by before she and Jim Bob married in 1984: “She said, ‘In your marriage there will be times you’re going to be very exhausted. Your hubby comes home after a hard day’s work, you get the baby to bed, and he is going to be looking forward to that time with you.'” — she’s talking about sex, just so everyone’s clear — “‘Be available. Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when he calls.'”

At the time, as a young bride-to-be, Michelle says, she couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to “be available” for some quality married nookie. But with kids, she soon realized, exhaustion can easily extinguish romance. So she’s made an effort to follow her friend’s advice — and with no birth control and 19 kids, it would seem she’s succeeded. “That has been such a lifesaver for our marriage,” she tells TODAY Moms.

Seems to be working for Jim Bob, too: “We’re like a newlywed couple every day!” he enthuses.

2. But give it a rest sometimes. It’s not all sexytime at the Duggars. They abstain when Michelle has her period, and also after childbirth: 80 days before sex if it’s a girl, 40 days after a boy. (The timeline for abstinence after childbirth is loosely based on Old Testament traditions, but is more about what works for their marriage than about observing religious law, the Duggars say.) A bit of abstinence, they’ve found, does make the heart grow fonder.

“When you’ve missed it for seven days, you look forward to it even more,” Michelle says.

3. Treat your wife like a queen. Lest you think Duggar romance is all about the baby-making, they note that emotional intimacy is important, too. Even in the whirlwind of raising 19 kids, they do little things like sending each other “I love you” texts, calling each other “Sweetie,” and kissing in the kitchen. Jim Bob seems to put Michelle on a pedestal; and to be fair, she does the same to him.

“That’s key in a relationship, the husband needs to cherish his wife and always treat his wife like a queen,” Jim Bob says.

4. The strong, silent type is overrated. “He shares his heart with me, his struggles, his fears and his dreams,” Michelle tells TODAY Moms. “Many men would not do that, but God’s word says that before honor comes humility. When he learns to humble himself before God and me, it builds him up so much in my eyes.”

5. Perfectionism kills romance. While many of us are trained to be detail-oriented and strive for perfection at work, Jim Bob says bringing that attitude home can be a relationship-killer. Withholding praise makes your loved ones lose that loving feeling. “Expectations ruin relationships,” Jim Bob warns.

6. Make time for date night. Michelle and Jim Bob go out, just the two of them, every Saturday night. Sure, they often end up talking about the kids, but it’s still an important time for them to reconnect. They usually go to Michelle’s favorite ice cream shop. “It’s a really special time,” Jim Bob says.

7. Never stop learning. After 30 years of marriage and 19 kids, Jim Bob and Michelle are still interested in discovering others’ advice for a happy partnership. They recently met an Amish couple who’d celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and asked them their secret. Their answer? The phrases, “I was wrong” and “Will you forgive me?”

[From Today.com]

So these two go out nearly every Saturday night, even though they have 19 kids? How does that work, do they just leave the babies with their older kids? I guess that’s the case, they assign each older child another one to look out for under a type of buddy system.

As far as sexytimes go, why is the wife always making the decision whether or not to say yes to the husband? Doesn’t the wife sometimes want it and it’s the husband’s call? I guess with so many kids Michelle has the weaker libido, although she obviously always says “yes.” After I had my baby, the midwife told me to wait six weeks before sex. That’s 42 days, so the 40/80 rule based on gender of the baby seems arbitrary, like a lot of things these people do. Also, how does it make sense that “expectations ruin relationships” when the man is always supposed to get his expectations for sex met?

Michelle also claims that wives need to accept their husbands as leaders. She wrote an article a couple of years ago, telling wives to be subservient. “Husbands are commanded to govern their wives… Never ask others for counsel without your husband’s approval; reassure your husband that you understand and believe that he is your God-given leader.” Michelle also said that women should seek to make themselves pretty, in exactly the way their husbands want. “How can you become more of the wife of your husband’s dreams?; discover and conform to your husband’s real wishes; explain your hairstyle to others on the basis of your submission to your authority.” That’s why she has that awful hair, it really is.

I’m glad that the Duggars are giving lip service to Jim-Bob treating Michelle “like a queen” and being emotionally open. Maybe that’s how it works for them, but their relationship seems to be based on Michelle never questioning Jim-Bob’s authority or talking back to him. The having sex no matter what thing is just one example of that.


