Jennifer Anistons new boyfriend has a girlfriend, does anyone care?

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We haven’t really been keeping up with Jennifer Aniston’s lovelife, because the collective response to our last story on it was a big shrug. She’s been rolling out this relationship with actor Justin Theroux though, alternately having her publicist confirm it to People and then deny it to US Weekly for maximum coverage purposes. The latest story on these two has them making out at an after party for the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday. (This link has photos of them together.) Good for Aniston I guess, but could she possibly date someone without having her people leak stories about it to various outlets?

In the tabloids this last week was a potentially more juicy story about Aniston’s latest conquest. Apparently Theroux had a longterm girlfriend right up until he hooked up with Aniston. That means that he was cheating with Aniston. It’s possible Aniston had no idea about this, or that he fed her a bunch of stories about how they were split up already. This was news to the girlfriend, who is said to be heartbroken by all this. We sort-of heard this story already, when Theroux’s girlfriend’s mother told Radar that it’s not true that Theroux was hooking up with Aniston, and that he was at a dinner party with her and a bunch of other people. I guess we know why Aniston’s rep denied this story to US Weekly after leaking it to People – either it’s a fauxmance to promote Aniston’s latest movie, or her boyfriend is cheating on his girlfriend.

The tabloids are claiming that Aniston knew about this, but I think they’re just saying must have known, which probably isn’t accurate. The guy was possibly very sneaky about all of it. In this story they mention a website that posted personal vacation photos and quotes from Justin’s girlfriend Heidi about a trip they took to Hawaii over the winter. You can see those photos here, and they were posted on May 16, 2011.

On May 16, the fashion website refinery29 posted an interview with NY City based stylist Heidi Bivens, who had raved about the vacation she had taken last winter in Kauai, Hawaii, with her boyfriend, actor/writer/director Justin Theroux…

Two days after the post – apparently, without Heidi’s knowledge – Justin was spending the evening at a Los Angeles dinner party getting close to Jennifer Aniston, with whom he filmed the upcoming movie Wanderlust last fall. It was the beginning of a whirlwind string of intimate get-togethers for the duo over the next few days, including a weekend stay at Jen’s Beverly Hills home!

Now Heidi, 34, is “heartbroken and doesn’t know for sure what’s going on,” a close friend tells Star. “And the most shocking thing is, Jen definitely knew about Heidi. Even if Justin had been telling Jen he was suddently single, you’d think she would be 100 percent sure before cutting in on another woman’s man, after what happened to her with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. That is so sad…”

When asked if she had heard the new details of Jen and Justin’s get-togethers [when contacted by Star, Heidi] replied, “I don’t want to know,” before adding, “I have no comment.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 13, 2011]

In The Enquirer they have the detail that Justin and Heidi have been together “for years,” but I can’t find any information on whether they live together or not. Either way, I don’t think it’s Aniston’s fault that her new man had a girlfriend. He may have kept her in the dark about it. Although he did step out with his girlfriend to a play in January, and there are pictures.

In related news about Jen, her BFF Courteney Cox has denied that they’re fighting at all. Cox told Life & Style “I’m so sure I’m not in a fight with Jen.”

Justin and Heidi are shown in the header in January, 2011. They’re shown below in August, 2008. Credit:

