Investing Strategy: Active ETFs, Outperformance at Low-Cost: Fidelity International

  • Passive investing is growing in the UK and Europe but still lags behind the US. Fidelity International head of ETFs Nick King, explains why an active ETF could be a perfect investment option for investors looking to bridge the gap between passive and active.
  • Going forward market returns might not be the "same magnitude" as the last decade, King said. Investors should consider active ETFs, which remain a low-cost investment option but still offer some opportunities for outperformance.
  • King breaks down his top tips for investors that are considering investing in ETFs.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

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Passive investing is all the rage, even outside the United States. UK investors piled £11.8 billion into equities over the last three quarters, according to Refinitiv. However, £17 billion flowed into passive vehicles, while active vehicles shed £5.2 billion.

Passive investing refers to a buy-and-hold strategy, where people allocate their cash for the long-haul, predominantly through holding an index, or an exchange-traded fund that mirrors an index, or follows a structured set of rules, creating a low-cost way to achieve market returns.

Alternatively, active investing is where investors pay for a portfolio manager, or a team of portfolio managers, to allocate assets in a portfolio in an attempt to beat the market.

There has been a marked shift toward passive investing in the UK and Europe, but these regions have lagged behind the US. In September alone, US investors injected $34.1 billion into ETFs, compared to the €5.9 billion that European investors paid in, according to Refinitiv.


Nick King, head of ETFs at Fidelity International, a private investment management firm responsible for $565.7 billion of client assets, attributes the different mentalities on ETFs and active versus passive investing to different investing habits in Europe and the US.

"The key difference is that there is much greater adoption of ETFs by retail investors in the US," King said. "US investors are used to managing their finances themselves using brokerage accounts. Whereas investors in the European market have generally been advised and held funds. With changes in advice models and an increasing number of online brokerages and trading platforms, I think this could change over time."

The secret ingredient

Fidelity International is a relative newcomer to the ETF market with 7 products that are overseen by King. 

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It wasn't until 2017 when Fidelity International launched its first ETF, for comparison by the end of September in 2016, the European ETF market already had around 1,556 products, according to Deloitte.


Fidelity's range of products are split between equity income ETFs and a new set of sustainable research enhanced equity ETFs, which launched in 2020. The new funds are already producing impressive returns within the first three months. The Sustainable Research Enhanced Europe Equity fund returned 6.49% compared to its Morningstar category, the Europe large-cap blend equity, which returned 3.82%.

The secret sauce in these new funds is that they are actively managed, bridging the gap between passive and active. The funds are fully transparent in terms of holdings but leverage a large research team to inform decision making on investments.

"The ETF market is very competitive, and it is important that we can differentiate our products to be successful, " King said. "Rather than launching large numbers of me-too products, we are focused on building high-quality products in high-growth areas. Fidelity has a long heritage in active investing and there are many ways that we can incorporate our investment ideas in a systematic strategy that sits between traditional passive and active investing."

Growth of passive investing

King attributes the growth of passive investing to firstly high market beta returns, combined with the significant product development in the space. This has enabled investors to be more discerning about portfolio allocations, and improved regulatory models that aim to enhance consumer protection and ultimately increasing the popularity of lower cost investment strategies.


However, the high market returns are unlikely to last forever, King said. This is where actively-managed ETFs could step in and play a role in investors portfolios.

"Investors have been able to get a really strong return by just investing in the market and in those market conditions, it's quite easy for an alpha to become overlooked," King said. "But I think there's a fairly broad view that returns from market beta looking forward won't be of the same magnitude that they've been over the last decade. So I think that's why offering a product that can capture the characteristics of market, but also offer that opportunity for some outperformance is going to be really important."

Typically active and passive investing are seen as two polar opposite investing mentalities. But King has often seen clients mix-and-match between the two investing strategies.

"Many of our clients will be utilising a combination of active and passive exposures," King said. "They may well be seeking systematic exposures in very efficient markets, for example, and then investing in active products where they think there's more potential for added value."


Fidelity International will be looking to capitalize on clients willingness to mix-and-match strategies with their new hybrid-ETFs.

ETF Investing Tips

But whether investors are planning to stick to a purely passive strategy or a mixture. King outlines the two key pieces of advice investors must know before selecting an ETF:

1) Exposure

"Make sure you fully understand the exposure that product is giving you," King said. "And I think that is even more important when you start thinking about thematic or factor ETFs, which are applying an additional screen on top of the market."

2) Cost

"When considering cost, it is important to look beyond the OCF and consider the 'total cost of ownership', which includes the management fee of the product, but also how much it's going to cost you to trade this product as well," King said. "That's an important aspect when looking at ETFs, you need to look at the cost of coming in and out of the ETF as well as holding that ETF."
