Interview with social media star Josh Clayden

Josh Clayden is a rising social media influencer, product and brand endorser, and events PR. From modelling, attending events to promoting various high profile brands, Josh has grown from strength to strength as an influencer and has also gained a loyal following in the process.

Of course, his journey hasn’t been an easy one. Whilst social media can appear glamorous, Josh has also dealt with the negative side. From suffering with severe acne and being bullied because of it to crossing paths with fake and disloyal people, these experiences have strengthened Josh as a person, leading him to share his positivity online.

We recently spoke to Josh about the highs and lows of social media, collaborations, his goals, future plans and much more.

Hi Josh, welcome to CelebMix! Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hi I’m Josh Clayden and I am a Social Media Influencer, product, brands and events PR.

How did you get your start as a social media influencer?

To be totally honest I don’t know, it just came around and happened. Ever since I was in school, I was never the popular kid, I wanted to be that popular kid at school as did everyone, so I got Twitter, then started going to events, meeting up and hanging with celebrities. Then I started to get my face about online and in the paper, and it all went from there.

Can you tell us a bit about your work as a social media influencer, for example, what does a typical Josh Clayden day look like?

From AM – PM I am constantly on my phone, emailing, contacting, and sorting collaborations and deals out. I also work full time as a warehouse operative and purchasing assistant, so I have to fit all my social media around my full time job.

What are your favourite things about being a social media influencer?

Meeting the celebrities I meet and getting to travel the U.K, meeting the supporters. Without people showing me love online I wouldn’t be anyone, but I thank everyone who follows me and has helped me grow to where I am today.

I also get to travel to different countries with different bands and artists, and also work with some of the biggest people, events and brands. I love what I do.

Social media obviously comes with its negatives too such as trolling and causing anxiety. Can you tell us about some of the negatives that you’ve experienced?

To be honest everyone gets hate, and sadly you just have to get used to it. The way I see it is, if people send hate then you are obviously doing something good and doing something they wish they could do. It all leads down to jealousy.

There’s also a lot of fakery. Over the last few years I have been walked over by so many people, I don’t want to name and shame because I’m not that sort of person, but deep down it does hurt, especially after being there for people, showing them love with what they achieve and want to do, helping them out, as in sharing their content, getting them contacts, getting them collaborations etc. It’s hard to get over that, but I have gone my own way now, and only help my real friends out who show me love daily.

— Josh Clayden (@JoshClayden) July 8, 2018

It’s no secret that you have suffered from acne in the past and were bullied for it online and in person. As an influencer you attend a lot of events and share images of yourself online – how did this affect your confidence?

Oh my god yes, well, when I left school I had the worst acne / skin condition. My face got infected and inflamed, I looked like I had washed my face in stinging nettles or shoved my face in a bee hive, it was serious. To be honest, it dropped my confidence and people judged me by my appearance, and not my personality. It has taken so long to get over that, and I still am very self conscious to this day, but it’s good as it’s made me look at life in a different format. I get loads of people messaging me and contacting me about my skin and if I can give them tips to help them out, then I will always try my best to help others, as it can make you feel very low.

Judging from the tweets you get, it’s clear that a lot of your fans look up to you for inspiration. Do you ever feel pressure to be a positive role model?

Yeah I mean it’s amazing that so many people look up to me. I only want to make sure everyone is happy, that’s just how I am, spreading love and positivity. I haven’t got any time for haters or negativity. You only live once, so help each other out – you never know what other people are going through, but for people to look up to me is mind blowing and is such an amazing feeling.

Social media is constantly changing, for example algorithms (the order in which posts are shown on your timeline) and new features like Instagram/Facebook stories. Have these changes affected the way you post and use social media?

I have changed the way I post quite a few times, but will be changing my Instagram, as I want a new theme and need a new start with that so hopefully it will also grow more.

You’ve already collaborated with a number of high profile brands such as Boohoo Man, but who’s next on your wish list?

Honestly the team at Boohoo Man are are all so amazing and always check how I am. It’s crazy that they’re so supportive with what I do and my decisions. I also have a big photo shoot with them due next month, so look out on my social media for that.

There are loads of upcoming things which I can’t say much about, but let’s just say I am taking the TV route now and had some meetings about various things that could be happening this year and next.

It would be a dream come true to work with Nike , Footasylum or even JD, but who knows, anything could happen.

I have teamed up with @boohooMAN they have a new range out, and it’s so nice, make sure you check it out. Thank you @boohooMAN #ad

— Josh Clayden (@JoshClayden) June 24, 2018

You’ve also worked with artists such as Tom Zanetti and Nate Parker. If you could work with any artist in the world, who would it be and why?

Tom Zanetti is the most down to earth person I have ever met. He is honestly so humble and seeing him in the studio and at his parties, he works so hard and I give that lad everything. I couldn’t change one thing about him, he’s always there and always supports me, texts me to see how I am, always invites me to his shows and asks me to come and hang out.

Nate Parker, that lad has incredible talent. It’s crazy, over the last few months me and Nate have become super close, like really really good friends and we have even discussed about future events together and projects that will be happening.

I would honestly love to work with Post Malone. I have listened to his music for so long now and every track he has released is a banger. I was so shocked when he followed me online, it was crazy, but yeah definitely has to be Post Malone.

Recently you’ve turned your hand at presenting. How are you finding it so far and is this something you’d like to do more of in the future?

Yes it was a huge step for me and it was incredible to start something new, but yes so much more in the pipe line for presenting for sure.

Who do you look up to in the social media world?

Definitely Cameron Dallas, or even Kylie Jenner, they’re both two different people who are well known online and have both proven that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

You’re managed by Paul Holton and it seems that you have a great working relationship and friendship. What’s the best piece of advice he’s ever given you?

Yes Paul is amazing, honestly I don’t think I could ever trust another manager as much as I do him. He always supports me with my life decisions, not just online and social media but also normal day to day life. He’s always there, and he always says, never stop, never give up, who cares what people think, we will get you there, I ain’t leaving you until you get up there, let’s show them how good you really are.

Repping my @boohooMAN backstage yesterday at @BSTHydePark thank you @Pop_Scoop @BSTHydePark for this opportunity??
Hair Styled by @RUSHHairBeauty

— Josh Clayden (@JoshClayden) July 15, 2018

How has your life changed since becoming an influencer?

It’s made me see a different side to life, it’s crazy how many people use their phones all the time nowadays. My life has changed so much, working with some big companies, celebrities, and just everything I have ever achieved from social media. I spend most my life and days on social media and I’d love to do it full time as a job and help others succeed.

What’s been your career highlight so far?

The whole lot, everything happens for a reason , I don’t think I could chose! Just everything and the people that have been there, it’s been a crazy journey.

What would you like to achieve next as a social media influencer?

I want to become a TV star, like reality TV, and DJ, and I’ve got some things coming up for that very soon.

Finally, do you have a message for your loyal supporters?

I just want to say thank you, I really am speechless, but I appreciate you all so much, and without you lot following me, sharing my posts, liking my posts, tweeting me, commenting, I would be able to do what I do now. I honestly owe everything to you lot, never forget where you came from, because without you lot I wouldn’t be doing what I enjoy today, thank you so much.

Thank you to Josh Clayden for his time. Keep up to date with him on Twitter and Instagram.

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