How to add and invite your friends

The anime-inspired Battle Royale game My Hero Ultra Rumble has grown in popularity ever since its release last month, and there are many in the community who are looking for ways to enjoy the title with their friends. However, some players are quite confused as to how they can add their friends to the game and then invite them to an online lobby.

Battle Royale games like Ultra Rumble are best played together with friends, so it’s not all that surprising why players are looking to know more about all the social options that are available in the game.

This My Hero Ultra Rumble guide will go over how you will be able to add and invite your friends to a lobby.

How to add your friends in My Hero Ultra Rumble

To add your friends to the 24-player Battle Royale, you will be required to follow the methods mentioned below.

1) Adding them from the in-game list

If you are in-game, you will only be able to add players to your My Hero Ultra Rumble social network if you have played with them or if you are in the same room. Once you boot up a solo play in a lobby, you will be matched with two other random players, and by interacting with their characters, you can add them.

If you wish to add someone you played again in a match, go into match history, search for the player, and send them a request.

2) Adding friends from Steam and PSN

The next method will be to add them directly from Steam to the PSN network, which is the most reliable method if you are looking to invite your friends. All you will need to do is search for their ID when making the lobby.

3) Using Create Team ID

Another way of adding friends in My Hero Ultra Rumble is by selecting Team Battle and then creating a Team ID. The ID will be located at the bottom right of the screen, so share it with your friends. They will then need to search for your team in the “search Team ID” option. They just need to paste it and hit enter.

How to invite your friends to a lobby in My Hero Ultra Rumble

Once you have added your friends to the Battle Royale, you will be required to invite them to your lobby. When you create a lobby, you will see a plus sign beside your character. Clicking on it will open a window of suggested players, which will include your friend list. You can then invite your friends from here.

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