Fans reunited with Vivi Nefertari as Pythagoras Vegapunk seeminglyassassinated

One Piece chapter 1074 raw scans were released on Wednesday, February 8, bringing with them an exciting, hands-on look at the alleged upcoming issue. Expectedly, all of the information from the initial and full summary spoilers released earlier in the week have been corroborated by the events seen within the alleged raw scans.

What's especially exciting is that One Piece chapter 1074 gives fans their first look at Vivi Nefertari in nearly 200 issues via her reappearance at the end of the chapter. While speculative, many fans are all but certain that a reunion between Vivi and the Straw Hats is a matter of when rather than a matter of if.

One Piece chapter 1074 raw scans give fans first look at Mark III Pacifistas while setting up major reveals

One Piece chapter 1074 raw scans begin with a cover image of Queen, Caesar Clown, and Vinsmoke Judge all fighting with one another. The issue then dives into story content by taking readers to the Fabriophase of Egghead Island. Here, rank-and-file CP0 agents are seen fighting the Mark III Pacifista, hence the issue’s title of Mark III.

The Mark IIIs still look like Bartholomew Kuma but wear sunglasses and have outfits different from the regular Pacifista. The Mark IIIs are also shown using some sort of goo-like shield or weapon, which is likely the Bubble Shield mentioned in full summary spoilers. It’s shown here to be strong enough to block a rocket-propelled explosive.

The CP0 agents are shown to be no match for the Mark III units before shifting perspectives to Sentomaru, who is currently healing from the injuries Rob Lucci gave him. Sentomaru briefly remembers Luffy’s Gear 5th form before using a Den Den Mushi to activate and give orders to more Mark III Pacifista.

One Piece chapter 1074 raw scans then show the additional Mark III units heading to fight off CP0 while the CP0 rank-and-file agents are seen running away from the fight. The issue then shifts perspective to the Lab Stratum, where Luffy is seen with some of the other Straw Hats and Vegapunk Satellites. Stussy, Zoro, and Brook then arrive, bringing Lucci and Kaku with them.

Subsequent panels then show what appears to be the entire gang of Straw Hats and Vegapunks together, as well as Stussy and the still-unconscious Lucci and Kaku. Shaka and Franky are seen briefly discussing something while the others look on. The rest of the group, besides Luffy and Zoro, then departs, likely to go look for Dr. Vegapunk and Bonney, as full summary spoilers claimed.

One Piece chapter 1074 raw scans then show a brief flashback panel of the baby-fied Dr. Vegapunk before transitioning to a focus on Jewelry Bonney. She’s seen standing in some sort of memory world that has manifested as an open field. In front of her is a small child, who she recognizes as her father, Bartholomew Kuma.

The young Kuma is then seen being bullied by some unknown individuals, which the full summary spoilers claim are not Celestial Dragons. The individuals eventually begin beating him, with images of Mariejois and some silhouetted Celestial Dragons appearing shortly after that. A crying Bonney then seems to free herself from the Memory World, returning to the lab room where her father’s memory ball is.

Shots of Kuma continuing to climb the Red Line are then seen as Bonney begins crying and seems to remember something her father once said to her. One Piece chapter 1074 raw scans then show Vegapunk Pythagoras walking around the Lab Stratum, noticing something behind him and turning to see what it is. However, the area he’s in blows up immediately after he turns around.

The raw scans then shift their final perspective to the World Economy News Paper blimp, which is floating in the skies above Egghead Island, with Big News Morgans on board. He’s seen looking at Luffy’s wanted poster before turning to talk to his employees when Vivi Nefertari and Wapol are revealed to be on board with him. The issue ends as the three seem to be arguing about something.

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