Does Roman Reigns wear contact lenses?

Roman Reigns, who is currently WWE's top heel, looks different than before. The major reason behind fans feeling this change is that the Tribal Chief has made several changes to his appearance. He no longer wears a vest and has put on some muscle. Some people have also noticed that his eyes look different now.

So does Roman Reigns wear contact lenses? The answer is no. Currently, the Head of the Table's appearance showcases his real eyes, which are brown. However, he used to wear contact lenses a few years ago.

When the Reigns was a member of The Shield, he used to wear contact lenses. His real eyes were covered by blue-colored lenses to make him look more intimidating.

Wearing lenses to amplify a character is a common practice in the pro-wrestling industry. Major stars like Kane, Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio have previously used lenses to add to their on-screen characters.

Highlights from Roman Reigns' career before becoming the Tribal Chief

Roman Reigns burst onto the scene as part of The Shield. The group debuted at Survivor Series 2012 and assaulted Ryback during his WWE Championship match against CM Punk. Reigns truly broke out as part of The Shield, which turned out to be one of WWE's most popular acts.

After the faction was disbanded in 2014, WWE decided to make Reigns the next face of the company. He put on an excellent performance in the 2014 Royal Rumble match and eventually won the match in 2015. He went on to headline four consecutive WrestleManias.

The former Shield member scored wins over major stars like John Cena and Brock Lesnar in the following years. He also became one of the only two Superstars to defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Despite the protests of the audience, WWE kept pushing Roman Reigns as a babyface. He was scheduled to face Goldberg at WrestleMania 36 but did not appear at the event. He preferred not to take a chance amid the global pandemic.

When he returned in August 2020, Reigns turned heel and joined forces with Paul Heyman. Since then, he has become the biggest star in professional wrestling and looks likely to hold the Universal Championship for an extended period of time.

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