Adin Ross seemingly threatened by a Toronto-based gang member, claims to "shoot" the streamer if see

Kick streamer Adin Ross has found himself in the bad books of a few Toronto rappers/gang members due to allegedly mocking Robin Banks, a rapper based in Toronto who suffered a shooting incident resulting in paralysis. Yesterday (June 25), a Twitch account named motionbroz uploaded a clip featuring a group known as the "GGz and Wassas." In the clip, they issued a warning to Adin, advising him against visiting their city.

Additionally, earlier this week, two prominent Toronto rappers, specifically J Neat from the Driftwood area and Casper from the Alexandra Park region, imposed a ban on Adin Ross, forbidding him from entering the city.

Adin Ross reportedly banned from Toronto

To provide additional context, a streamer read the information regarding Adin Ross' ban in Toronto. In a video explaining the situation, the streamer read aloud the warning that had been issued against Adin. Here is the content of the statement:

"Adin Ross you're banned. Don't come here. If you do, you better land at Regent Park Airport, okay? land Downtown."

Reacting to the embargo, Adin burst out saying:

"Dude I literally lived in Toronto for like a year. The f**k. Like, what do you mean I can't come to Toronto? I was there for a year."

He added:

"This video is about three years ago and I am laughing at that man, f**k I would never disrespect someone who's handicapped, and the clip is captured in 2020 and I am on a Discord call with somebody and I am not even watching the video and nothing like that.”

The streamer also mentioned that Adin Ross was actually laughing at a separate clip, which was taken out of context, and clarified that he did not intend to disrespect any paralyzed individual.

Here's what the community said

The Twitch clip containing the threatening message towards Adin was swiftly shared on the popular live-streaming subreddit r/LivestreamFail. Here are some notable comments found in the thread:

Speaking about Adin and Toronto, popular Canadian rapper Drake has recently followed the streamer on Instagram. Both, in fact, have a deal with Kick (the Stake-backed streaming platform).

Although nothing has been officially confirmed, the recent Instagram follow could potentially hint at a collaboration between the two on Kick. Both individuals are known to be avid gamblers and have given away thousands of dollars in the process.

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